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Staining issues on your smile can leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance. This problem could be compounded if you have teeth with visible fillings or chips. One of the most effective methods your dentist, Dr. Wallace Lunden, recommends for improving the appearance of your smile is to have dental veneers installed.

Dental veneers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, are custom-made porcelain shells that are designed to fit over the faces of each tooth in your smile. They will be custom crafted in a dental lab to match the natural shape of the teeth.

The porcelain material will only be subject to minor surface staining from dark beverages and foods. This will have the net effect of helping you maintain your new, bright, white smile.

During your first appointment, Dr. Wallace Lunden will examine all of the teeth in your smile. It’s important to make sure you have sufficient healthy enamel to secure a veneer. If you have a tooth that has been compromised by tooth decay or old fillings or if it has insufficient enamel, he might recommend restoring it with a porcelain dental crown.

At the end of the appointment, your dentist will cast a detailed impression of each tooth in your smile. This impression will be sent to a dental lab to serve as a guide while the technicians work to produce your final veneers.

Once the lab technicians have completed the veneers, we’ll call you back into Cedar Point Dentistry for a second appointment to install them. During this appointment, Dr. Wallace Lunden will remove a small amount of enamel from the face of each tooth before cementing the porcelain shell in place.

If you are interested in improving the appearance of your smile, you should call Dr. Wallace Lunden at 612-822-2176 to see if you’re a good candidate for dental veneers.